Welcome to Laguna Prints

web-duoWelcome to my computer art portfolio where life long interests and technical practice come together to produce assembled colored prints. I have long been an automotive fan and have searched out images of anything with wheels and engines. I am also an ardent architectural structure image collector and take a lot of pictures when I see an interesting building or picturesque scenic. A third element in most of my portfolio pieces is some aircraft flying over the scene. And, what’s fun about this art is that all the parts are interchangeable. I use mainly Photoshop to assemble these works, but there are some Illustrator graphics and typography that are added along the way.


There are some divisions of the prints that I use to organize these works. The first group is centered in my hometown of Laguna Beach, California. They reflect the autos of my high school days. Some were the cars of friends or the dreams that would take a while to acquire or to afford. To me, these cars from the 40s and 50s and 60s will always be classics. Being from a beach town, station wagons with wood sides were always a priority.

The second group is the cars and scenes of an expanding world. I did some traveling and some learning and widened my interests and knowledge. I now could dream of driving some of these cars through forests, up mountains, or across bridges beyond the beaches.


The third group is new work just coming off the creative desktop of my computer. This computer graphic business is not just work, but a giant interest to grow in technique and function. Obviously my interests grow my portfolio. I hope you can see the fun and satisfaction I have producing this work.

The last group is current work based on commercial art projects. This is a sample of freelance illustrations for clients and art displays. The subject matter widens, but the focus on results remains.